Monday, October 6, 2014

Welcome to the week of Oct. 7th!

We will be full swing into our academics this week!

Social Studies:  Students have been researching the first Americans!  Each group has been finding facts and crafts about a specific tribe.  They will then present a google presentation with their information, along with an art project that represents their tribe.

Reading:  We will start this week with visualizing realistic fiction!

Math:  The properties of multiplication have been a little more difficult for us.  So, we are going to spend another couple days on this concept and hope to test by Friday this week on Unit 1.

Writing:  Assist your student in thinking about a time in their life that was important to them.  We will be embarking on our first writing project:  Memoirs!

Efficacious Learner Traits:  Your scholar will evaluate themselves this week on how they feel they are doing on their efficacious traits:  problem solver, resourceful, skilled communicator, responsible, self directed.

  • 5th grade will be adding some helpful resources for parents on our web page.  I will also add them to my blog for easy access. 

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