Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Words Their Way

Words Their Way Parent Information Letter

Dear 5th grade parents,

We will start our first word study (spelling) unit this week.  The fifth grade team uses a research based program called Words Their Way which focuses on the developmental needs and learning styles of children through word study.  The purpose of word study is to provide students with many opportunities to manipulate words, use critical thinking skills, and generalize word patterns or meaning.  Another benefit of Words Their Way is that it differentiates instruction allowing each child to work at their appropriate instructional level. Along with direct instruction of skills at their level, students will spend work on meaningful word study throughout the week independently.

After introduction of their new words on Monday, homework will then be sent home.  There will not be a “formal” spelling test each week.  Instead, assessment of patterns will be through the students writing.  The ultimate goal is for students to transfer patterns to their daily writing.  I will be looking in their writing for transition of skills to obtain their grade in spelling.

Please look for an explanation of spelling homework to be sent home this Monday.

I am excited about the opportunity to work with your child using
Words Their Way. If you have any questions about Word, please feel free to contact me.

Brenda Tollas

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