Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Words Their Way

Words Their Way Parent Information Letter

Dear 5th grade parents,

We will start our first word study (spelling) unit this week.  The fifth grade team uses a research based program called Words Their Way which focuses on the developmental needs and learning styles of children through word study.  The purpose of word study is to provide students with many opportunities to manipulate words, use critical thinking skills, and generalize word patterns or meaning.  Another benefit of Words Their Way is that it differentiates instruction allowing each child to work at their appropriate instructional level. Along with direct instruction of skills at their level, students will spend work on meaningful word study throughout the week independently.

After introduction of their new words on Monday, homework will then be sent home.  There will not be a “formal” spelling test each week.  Instead, assessment of patterns will be through the students writing.  The ultimate goal is for students to transfer patterns to their daily writing.  I will be looking in their writing for transition of skills to obtain their grade in spelling.

Please look for an explanation of spelling homework to be sent home this Monday.

I am excited about the opportunity to work with your child using
Words Their Way. If you have any questions about Word, please feel free to contact me.

Brenda Tollas

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Welcome to September 22-26!

  • We have just finished up our ELF Camp where we spent 2 weeks learning about the efficacious learner traits! 

1.  Problem Solver
2.  Resourceful
3.  Skilled Communicator
4.  Self-directed
5.  Responsible

We will be recognizing and expecting these traits throughout the year!

  • We are now embarking on learning our routines for our reading and math workshops; in addition to, our writing process time.  
  • Tuesday the 23rd, will be the first time the students switch classrooms for their math workshop Students stay with their homeroom for their core lesson of the day, but then they will switch classrooms for their workshop time.  Their workshop time is a time we differentiate the activities to meet the needs of all students.  The classroom they go to will vary from unit to unit based on the knowledge they show of a particular skill. Please let me know if you have any questions!
  • Social Studies will be starting this week!  We are starting on the study of
    Ancient American Indians! 
  • 40 book challenge is officially starting!  I sent home a parent letter to explain the challenge for the year.  In case you did not see it, here it is:  

40 Book Challenge 

                                                                                                  September 22 , 2014
Dear 5th grade Parents, 
Our 40 Book Challenge starts today!  I am challenging your fifth grader to read 40 books by the end of the school year. I believe they will do it!
The goal of the 40 Book Challenge for young readers is to get students to leave their reading comfort zone and explore new reading genres. Ultimately, I would love to see the students’ love of reading flourish, as well as for students to make big academic gains in reading. Let’s face it; the best way to become a better reader is to read… VORACIOUSLY.  The 40 Book Challenge helps with this!
Although 40 books sounds like a lot, it works out to about one book a week. This can be accomplished by reading during our independent reading time at school and spending time reading daily at home. Some books, like shorter non-fiction books, can possibly be read in a day or two. Other books will obviously take longer to finish. By making the right book choices, I am confident that all students will be able to achieve the goal of reading 40 books in class and at home this year.
In their 40 book challenge notebook, the students will be keeping track of the books they read.  Please make sure your child is reading each evening. This is their homework.  Check in with your child often, and ask about the books they are reading.
More information:
*Each book must be read by your fifth grader.  No picture books will count toward their goal.   Books they read in class/at home and books that are read aloud by a teacher count in their 40 book total. Students may not count books that they have previously read (although I know it is fun and rewarding to reread favorites).
*Students will keep track of the genres they read in their 40 book challenge notebook. However, the books don’t have to be read in any order. We will be talking about the different genres in class.
*For each book read, the students will write down the title, author, genre, and number of pages. They will track their progress through each book by writing a reading response about the part they just read.
*Books must be a minimum of 100 pages.  Students have information regarding longer books or combining shorter books to equal one book.  Check with me if you are unsure of a specific book.
The purpose of this challenge is to get your fifth grader reading books they might not normally choose and to increase their love of reading.  Thank you for your support at home!

Ms. Tollas 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pajama Day Tomorrow!


In room 51, we love to have fun and create a loving community on each student's birthday!  On each student's birthday, they are able to pick a "theme" for the day.  This theme will often have to do with clothing/dressing up or bringing things from home.  Please, do not buy things/clothing for these fun days.  Room 51 has been told that we just use what is at home.  

Tomorrow, to celebrate one of our scholar's birthdays, we will have a pajama day!  It is OK for students to bring one stuffed animal and/or glow sticks if they have any.

Happy Monday!!

Thursday, September 11, 2014


It is safety day tomorrow, Friday the 12th. 

Wear orange AND any kind of safety gear (pads, helmets, safety glasses...). 

Its the FUN RUN and BARBECUE!!!  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

This Friday

This Friday will be our Fun Run and BBQ!  
Our Fun Run will start at 10:45. 
The BBQ will be at 11:25. 

Please join us for one, or both!! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bus Safety

                                               Bus Safety

A study guide for the Bus Safety Test went home today.  We will test on Bus Safety on Thursday! If your scholar is not sure of any answers on the study guide, make sure they bring it back to school and ask!

Here's to SAFETY week!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome to the second week of 5th grade!! 

We are spending the first two weeks experiencing classroom rules/routines, collaboration, Bus Safety, and goals.  

The Kick Off To ELF CAMP!!!! 

We have also engrossed ourselves in community and character building activities!  

ELF camp is an adventurous time where students will move from classroom to classroom to learn and practice efficacious learner traits.

This time is very essential in creating a caring, trusting, and safe community where we all feel comfortable to help each other and take risks.

Homework will not be started until NEXT WEEK!