Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thank You!

Dear Parents,

     I would like to take a few minutes today, on my last day enjoying your wonderful children, to express my gratitude to you.  Thank you so much, a very heartfelt thanks, to you for sharing and trusting me with your child this year. I have never experienced such a close community as I have this year.  My students are so caring toward one another.  I feel so blessed to be able to spend a year with each and everyone of them watching them work hard and grow.  I am so very proud of their own individual goals they have achieved.  I can move into my summer with assurance that my 2014-2015 family will, no doubt, be successful.  I hope your child shares our many warm memories from this year and they carry them with confidence and courage to start their new adventures in middle school!
As the staff here at WD say, "Once a Woodlander, Always a Woodlander!"

Many Blessings to you All,
                   Ms.  Tollas

Link to Slideshow!

Here is a link to the 5th grade graduation slide show.  For safety purposes, it will only be on YouTube for a short time.
