Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Parent Survey

Dear Parents,
     Just like my students, I want to grow and be more effective as a teacher.  I would appreciate if you would complete this parent survey!  Click on the link below.

Parent Survey

Our LAST FRIDAY Checklist

We will be finishing up:

  • 40 book challenge
  • DARE Essay presentations
  • Unit 9 Math test
  • Unit 8 Retest
  • Historical Fiction Story
  • Social Studies Test: Revolutionary War

The Last Two Weeks of School!

Welcome to the second to last week of school!!!!!
We have a lot of fun events planned!  Here is the list:

Week of May 26th

Tuesday, May 26th  RED, WHITE, and BLUE day (for our veterans and our TWINS visit:))
Wednesday, May 27th  Wacky Hair Day and Mismatch Day
Thursday, May 28th  Ultimate Superhero Day!!
Friday, May 29th  Pajama Day

Week of June 1st

Tuesday June 2nd  Graduation/Commemoration 10:00 and Grand Slam Field Trip
Wednesday June 3rd  Super Kids Day and BBQ
Thursday June 4th Last day of School!!  Award Assembly/Sing Along

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Welcome to the week of May 18th!

Greetings from room 51!
     As the year is winding down, room 51 is realizing feelings that come with the anticipation of a substantial change.  We have spent time sharing feelings and discussing what is going through our minds, all to aid in a successful transition.  We have built "our own little home" in room 51, and it will be hard to say good-bye.  So, we are focusing on the fun times we have left together, and the very last state test we need to rock!!!

Happenings for this WEEK:
Tuesday: Brooklyn Middle School Visit
Wednesday: DARE Essays Due
Thursday:  MAP MATH TEST
Friday:  DARE Essay presentations

Friday Checklist:

  • 2 reading responses
  • 2 books remaining for the 40 book challenge!
  • DARE Essay
Please check in with your child to make sure they are on track to finish their 40 book challenge by May 29th!

Ms. Tollas

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Week of May 4th!

Important Dates

  • Tuesday:  Orchestra Concert at 6:30 at OJH
  • Wednesday:  MAP Reading Test                                                                                                                           Patrol Trip to MOA
  • Friday:  Waffle Breakfast

Friday Checklist
  • Social Studies Test on Friday
  • Unit 8 math test
  • Vocabulary Packet
  • 2 reading responses
  • Colonial Map
  • Vocabulary Quiz unit 12 and 13

Happy Spring:)

Ms. Tollas

Our Field Trip was a SUCCESS!!