Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thank You!

Dear Parents,

     I would like to take a few minutes today, on my last day enjoying your wonderful children, to express my gratitude to you.  Thank you so much, a very heartfelt thanks, to you for sharing and trusting me with your child this year. I have never experienced such a close community as I have this year.  My students are so caring toward one another.  I feel so blessed to be able to spend a year with each and everyone of them watching them work hard and grow.  I am so very proud of their own individual goals they have achieved.  I can move into my summer with assurance that my 2014-2015 family will, no doubt, be successful.  I hope your child shares our many warm memories from this year and they carry them with confidence and courage to start their new adventures in middle school!
As the staff here at WD say, "Once a Woodlander, Always a Woodlander!"

Many Blessings to you All,
                   Ms.  Tollas

Link to Slideshow!

Here is a link to the 5th grade graduation slide show.  For safety purposes, it will only be on YouTube for a short time.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Parent Survey

Dear Parents,
     Just like my students, I want to grow and be more effective as a teacher.  I would appreciate if you would complete this parent survey!  Click on the link below.

Parent Survey

Our LAST FRIDAY Checklist

We will be finishing up:

  • 40 book challenge
  • DARE Essay presentations
  • Unit 9 Math test
  • Unit 8 Retest
  • Historical Fiction Story
  • Social Studies Test: Revolutionary War

The Last Two Weeks of School!

Welcome to the second to last week of school!!!!!
We have a lot of fun events planned!  Here is the list:

Week of May 26th

Tuesday, May 26th  RED, WHITE, and BLUE day (for our veterans and our TWINS visit:))
Wednesday, May 27th  Wacky Hair Day and Mismatch Day
Thursday, May 28th  Ultimate Superhero Day!!
Friday, May 29th  Pajama Day

Week of June 1st

Tuesday June 2nd  Graduation/Commemoration 10:00 and Grand Slam Field Trip
Wednesday June 3rd  Super Kids Day and BBQ
Thursday June 4th Last day of School!!  Award Assembly/Sing Along

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Welcome to the week of May 18th!

Greetings from room 51!
     As the year is winding down, room 51 is realizing feelings that come with the anticipation of a substantial change.  We have spent time sharing feelings and discussing what is going through our minds, all to aid in a successful transition.  We have built "our own little home" in room 51, and it will be hard to say good-bye.  So, we are focusing on the fun times we have left together, and the very last state test we need to rock!!!

Happenings for this WEEK:
Tuesday: Brooklyn Middle School Visit
Wednesday: DARE Essays Due
Thursday:  MAP MATH TEST
Friday:  DARE Essay presentations

Friday Checklist:

  • 2 reading responses
  • 2 books remaining for the 40 book challenge!
  • DARE Essay
Please check in with your child to make sure they are on track to finish their 40 book challenge by May 29th!

Ms. Tollas

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Week of May 4th!

Important Dates

  • Tuesday:  Orchestra Concert at 6:30 at OJH
  • Wednesday:  MAP Reading Test                                                                                                                           Patrol Trip to MOA
  • Friday:  Waffle Breakfast

Friday Checklist
  • Social Studies Test on Friday
  • Unit 8 math test
  • Vocabulary Packet
  • 2 reading responses
  • Colonial Map
  • Vocabulary Quiz unit 12 and 13

Happy Spring:)

Ms. Tollas

Our Field Trip was a SUCCESS!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Costume Day!

Room 51 celebrated Maddie's birthday by wearing costumes:)  Mrs. Mac created a wonderful spring scene where we added our handprints for the flowers.

Welcome to the week of April 27th!

Hello Parents!
     We are deep into state testing!  Because of state testing right now, math homework will be inconsistent.  If students are testing the next day or have tested on the present day, there will not be math homework sent home.

Schedule for the Week:


We are finishing MATH MCAs today.


Band Concert 6:00


MCA Science Test


Fort Snelling Field Trip!!!

Friday Checklist

  • 2 reading responses
  • Word Work homework/packet
  • Science Test
  • Main Idea/Detail Test

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Friday Checklist 4-24-15

Friday Checklist

  • 2 reading responses
  • Novel Quiz
  • Vocabulary Packet

MCA Date Change

Because of a bug in the system, our MCA math day has been pushed back one day.  It will now be Friday, April 24th at 2:00pm.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

MCA Math Test on Thursday!

Our MCA test will be this Thursday, April 23rd at 2:00.
Please make sure your scholar gets to bed at a reasonable time Wednesday night.  Because of MCA testing, there will be no math homework sent home Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Middle School Guide

Mrs. Brown has added a Guide to Middle School link to the Woodland Website.  Please see above directions on how to access.  

Monday, April 6, 2015

Friday Checklist: week of April 6th


  • Vocabulary Packet
  • Vocabulary quiz
  • Unit 6 and Unit 12 math test
  • 2 Reading Responses
  • Group Book should be finished
  • Group book quiz

Welcome Back!!

Was great to see the kids after our week break!  Some had faces colored from the sun and others had items and fun stories to share!  What a great family we have in room 51!

This week's happenings:


  • Orchestra practice at 4:30-5:45 in EB gym. 


  • Heavenne's birthday theme day!
  • DARE
  • Get a good night sleep!





Monday the 13th:  NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week of March 16th

We have a busy week!

Wednesday:  DARE
Thursday:     4th Grade Recorder Concert
Friday:         Band Rehearsal 10:00
                    Hat Day
                    WD Carnival

Friday Checklist:
  • Root Word Test
  • Unit 7 Math Test
  • Word Work
  • 2 reading responses
  • Group book completed up to:
    • Hollis Woods Chapter 11
    • Old Yeller Chapter 10
    • Black Pearl Chapter 16

Have a Great Week!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Friday Checklist

After a crazy two weeks at the end of trimester 2, this week is a little more laid back:)

Friday Checklist

  • 3 reading responses (please make sure that your child is progressing with their 40 book challenge.  We have one trimester left!  They should have read about 27 books by now to be on track!)
  • Vocabulary Packet
  • Summarizing Quiz

Binders Going Home Today!


Please look for your child's Assessment Binder today at home.  We have filled it with a lot of yummy stuff:)  We put in 3 reading tests, one math test, and both writing projects from trimester 2.
Looking at the binder, it should give you a good idea on how your child is doing in math, reading, and writing.
As always, please do not hesitate to call/email with any questions or concerns!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

State Test Dates

Reading:  week of April 7th and 14th
Math:  week of April 20th
Science:  week of April 27th

Reading:  May 6th
Math:  May 18th

I will send more specifics as the time approaches:)

No School on Friday!

Friday is Report Card Marking day.  Plan on report cards going home on Wednesday, March 11th.

Last Week of Trimester 2!!

Here is the Friday checklist for the last week of Tri 2:

  • 2 reading responses
  • vocabulary packet
  • biography:  final draft completed 
  • Reading Quiz
  • Math Quiz
  • Root Word Test

If your child is not completed with their final draft of their Biography, please remind them to take it home for homework to ensure completion on Thursday. 

Also, all students should STUDY for their Root Word Test on Thursday.  Make sure they bring home their Root Word Log Sheet that lists all of their roots and the meanings.  

Thank you for you support!  

Brenda Tollas

Monday, February 23, 2015

Friday Checklist for 2/27/15

This Week's Friday Checklist

  • 3 Reading Responses
  • Vocabulary Packet (Unit 6)
  • Word Work (Sorts and Frayer Models)
  • Reading Test (main idea and detail)
  • Biography Draft revised and edited
  • Math Quiz (multiplying multi-digit numbers)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Week of February 17th -20th

Friday Checklist

  • 3 reading responses
  • fraction test
  • biography rough draft

Please check in with your child to make sure these items are complete for Friday. IF they are not, they must complete them at home and bring back on Monday. 

Thanks for your help!

Our Current I Cans...

I can identify cause and effect in various texts. 

I can write for a variety of purposes:  Biography

We are currently testing fractions.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Hurry!!!! Conferences are Coming! Sign up Now!!

If you have not signed up for conferences yet, please click on this link below to get scheduled!  If you have any questions, just call the office and they can assist you. 

Conference Scheduling

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Update on Homework

In our classroom, we have a Friday checklist.  On the Friday Checklist is a list of all of the assignments due on the Friday of that week.  It is expected that if students are not able to get their all of their work completed by Friday, that they must take it home for homework.
When checking in on your child's homework, ask them how they are doing on the Friday Checklist:)

I will start to list the Friday checklist on Monday of every week so parents are aware of what should be completed.

Due Jan. 30th
2 reading responses
Vocabulary packet
Word work homework
Research completed for Biography
Narrator's View Packet
Small Group Book- chapter assigned

PS...because of the practice OLPA test this week, there has been no math homework sent home on Monday and Tuesday this week.

Themes this Week

Thursday:  Harry Potter theme day for Lia's birthday!

Friday:  Jersey day in preparation for super bowl weekend!

February Brings...

Conferences!!  Don't forget to sign up for a time that works for you!
Looking forward to seeing you all again!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Book Orders

January Due Date:  January 30th, 2015
Shop Online:
One-Time Class Activation Code: 2H2UW

Dear Families,
Encouraging reading is one of the most important things we can do to help your child succeed. It can be tough finding the right books to keep them interested, which is why I am so excited that our class will be participating in Scholastic Reading Club this school year.
With Scholastic Reading Club:
- Every book you buy earns FREE Books for our classroom library
- You can choose from handpicked, grade- and reading-level-specific books for your child
- You'll find the best values on a variety of formats, including eBooks

Thank you for your support,

Brenda Tollas

If This Is Your First Time Ordering Online:
- ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (top of this letter)
- SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books, value packs, and Storia eBooks
- SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom
- All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Back Down to the Nitty Gritty!!

Time to catch up with room 51!!!


Friday:  U of M Field trip  Please make sure your child has returned his/her permission slip.
             Gillette Blanket Project

Wednesday:  Fire Talk from local Brooklyn Park Fire Fighters

Yes!  We had a little break in there with homework!  The week before break we spent reteaching/retesting past standards for those that needed it.  Last week, we needed to take some days to do a math screener and work on our Hands-on-Equations.

Homework is coming!!
1.  New word work lists/homework
2.  Math/Fractions
3.  Read 30 minutes a night.

Also, students are always told that if they are not able to finish all of their work that is due on Friday, that it should go home as homework.

Current I CANS:

I can compare and contrast stories of the same genre on their approaches to similar themes and topics.

I can quote from a text to support an answer using the ACE strategy.
I can write a Biography.
I can use the writing process to produce works of writing.

I can compare, add/subtract, and recognize equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, and improper fractions.

Stay Warm!!!

Brenda Tollas

Seconds at Lunch!!

Here is a message from Laura Lucas 

(School Nutrition Manager)

Since they won’t be here next year, we are going to start offering seconds to the 5th grade students on Monday, January 26th.

We are also sending out a letter in the Wednesday envelope exclusive to 5th graders this Wednesday & next to notify their parents.

A couple of things for the students to keep in mind, are the following:
After everyone has gone through the line, there will be a call for anyone who wishes to get an ‘extra’, ie, mini corn dogs, fries, mashed potatoes, etc. However, no one can purchase an extra dessert or chips.
You will need to get in line to check with the cashier 1st before you can purchase the extra.
If you do not have extra money in your account, you cannot purchase extra’s.

If you are a free/reduced student, you would still need to have extra money in your account.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Sports/Electronic Day Tomorrow!

To celebrate Devin's birthday, he has picked a sports/electronic day.  Students should wear anything that represents sports!  They can choose to stay in for recess tomorrow and have supervised, electronic time with their friends!